416.707.8348 / john@webmakersinc.com


“I’ve worked with webmakersinc for years now for the simple fact of service. Having people I can trust to outsource work to and also who teach me things to make the work I do easier and better makes my job easy. John is always just a phone call away if anything ever comes up. It’s great to know that I have that continual support.’”
— Shannon Doyle, Director, Client Portfolios

webmakersinc started our relationship with Yorkville Asset Management back in 2011.

We were hired to develop their corporate web site. Eight years later and we are delighted to say that the partnership continues to grow and we are about to relaunch a completely redesigned and reinvigorated new site (summer 2019)!

Located in the heart of Toronto’s financial district, Yorkville offers investment and mutual fund products to investors in Canada and select international locations.

Only publicly emerging as a firm in 2011, Yorkville entrusted webmakersinc to build the site with which they went to market. Since we launched, we have updated the design and various sections to accommodate the growing content, including adding a secure area where their Advisors can login to access privileged materials.

We developed their site to automatically incorporate a daily data feed from RBC securities, dynamically updating the information in their Investments & Funds section every 24 hours.

Visit the Yorkville Asset Management site